Sign Our Petition
We plan to present our petition at the public hearing on October 17. Please sign our petition and spread the word!
A Planning Commission Public Hearing is scheduled for Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 1:30PM, 200 E. Main Street, 2nd Floor Council Chambers. At this hearing, the consultant team will present the draft plan and the commission will take public comment.
A continuation of the public hearing will occur on Thursday, October 31, 2024 at 1:30 PM, 200 E. Main Street, 2nd Floor Council Chambers, where the Planning Commission will review any proposed revisions to the master plan and consider adoption of the plan as an element of Lexington’s Comprehensive Plan, Imagine Lexington 2045.
If you cannot attended the public hearing and wish to submit comment, you can do so at the project website www.urbangrowthlex.com or by emailing imagine@lexingtonky.gov.
Dear Beaumont Neighbors,
The Lexington Urban Planning Commission's plans involve 1,300 housing units, retail spaces, and new roads. This would lead to increased traffic, drainage problems, and possible complications from karst land and sinkholes. We also risk losing a beautiful horse farm in the heart of horse country, just minutes away from Keeneland.
We encourage you to communicate with the appropriate community partners because this development will negatively impact our neighborhood and surrounding areas. And please make your voices known and heard at the monthly HOA meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, as well as contacting our HOA directly (contact info below). If you would like to stay up to date or become involved in stopping this developmeknt please fill out the contact form below to join our mailing list.
There is also a BEAUMONT RESERVE private group on Facebook, so please join it for updated information.
Development Plans
Potential Development Document
To learn more about the project:
How to contact Mayor Linda Gorton:
Planning Office:
(859) 258-3160
Councilmember District 10 – Dave Sevigny
(859) 280-8247
Beaumont Residential Association
Community Association Team
Tamara Walters